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Proposed Land Use & Policy Alignment

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Existing Land Use

The current land use for the site is PD – Public Use District allowing for civic and institutional uses across the site. 

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Proposed Land Use

Three separate parcels are proposed. Parcel 1 will include the existing school site and will remain PD - Public Use District. Parcel 3 will include the Daycare and remain PD – Public Use District. CRPS is not seeking a land use change for either of these parcels. 

CRPS is seeking a Direct Control land use for Parcel 2 based on slightly modified Medium Density Residential District as outlined in Canmore’s Land Use Bylaw. This proposed change aligns with the intent of the statutory and non-statutory plans that guide the development of this site and aligns with the town of Canmore’s vision for civic and residential development in the heart of Canmore. The Direct Control residential land use will allow for a height of 14.5 metres to create a unique mixture of town homes and studios. CRPS is contemplating a total of up to 120 residential units. The residential community will be consistent with the landscape requirements as outlined in the town of Canmore's Bylaw. 

Land uses adjacent to the site are primarily R4 – Residential Medium Density District, R2 – Residential Two Unit District and R2A – Residential Family Low Density District. While the majority of the surrounding area is R4, contextually this neighbourhood continues to evolve and build out to the maximum allowed under the R4 district. A variety of housing forms currently exist, including historic one-storey single detached, duplexes, triplexes, and four-plexes.

ARP Bylaw

The proposed residential development has triggered the development of a new Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) for the area. There is a prescribed process to follow as the application goes through the Town’s approval process. An Area Redevelopment Plan identifies a conceptual layout for general land uses, utility infrastructure, roads, public spaces and recreation. 

Alignment with the Municipal Development Plan and Other Statutory Plans

Development in this area is regulated by the Municipal Development Plan and further regulated by the Land Use Bylaw 2018-22.  The proposed site redevelopment aligns closely with the Town’s MDP vision and its corresponding MDP policies in the following ways: 

  • The site is located within the Town’s Growth Boundary.

  • The site provides much needed housing units in a variety of forms including approximately 33% affordable housing. 

  • The site infills an existing underdeveloped area that is not located within wildlife areas.

  • The site provides for efficient use of infrastructure and services.

  • The site is located within the Neighbourhood Residential Policy area which encourages the infill of existing residential communities in ways that respects the character of the neighbourhood. 

  • The site is within walking distance to the Town’s central commercial and civic land uses which creates the possibility for future residences to reduce vehicle use.​

Specifically, the redevelopment of the site aligns with the MDP Growth Management policies 2.1.1, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.4, and 2.3.5.  The redevelopment of the site aligns with the MDP Neighbourhood Residential policies 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.5, 6.1.8, 6.1.9, and 6.1.11. To enable the proposed land use, this application requires an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to allow CRPS to development this new community. Changing the land use, allows the site to better reflect its location and provide additional housing diversity and supply for the Town of Canmore.  

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