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Built Form

Figure 5

Massing from 7th Ave & 4th Street

The built form includes stacked townhomes in 1, 2- and 3-bedroom configurations as well as smaller apartments. This is consistent with the surrounding residential areas particularly those on 7th and 7th. The Plan contemplates a 6-metre buffer between the new homes and existing homes to the east of the development. This exceeds what is typically seen on infill developments in Canmore. Environmentally responsible design will inform the decisions made as the project moves forward into the next phase of design. Low level site lighting and Crime Prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles will also influence the next phase of site design.
Buildings facing towards the south, west and east will have heights that are consistent with the surrounding existing residential homes and will have front doors facing 4th Street and 7th Avenue.  Buildings internal to the site will have heights that are higher to accommodate flexibility in the built form, for example, allowing apartments and townhomes to be stacked. The building form will create a comfortable pedestrian realm at grade and clear thresholds at the entry level to each unit. The Plan envisions maintaining the current community gardens as these are an important community amenity and part of our educational programming. Setback areas will be utilized for soft landscaping and stormwater management and a generous landscape/resident amenity area is proposed adjacent to the daycare. This integration of resident amenities with the proposed east west pathway system will activate outdoor areas of the site and allow for separation of residential massing from the Roundhouse. The Plan will look to maintain existing trees and add playground equipment for children. Outdoor cooking surfaces and hearths are being considered.


Figure 6

Massing from Lawrence Grassi Middle School

Access to the development will be provided by a single access north-south “mews” road off 4th Street. The mews will be designed to be an “active living” street where pedestrians and cyclists are given priority and where the streetscape itself forms an integral part of the social fabric of the community. Vehicles will be required to observe slower speeds while on the “mews” when coupled with shared use of pedestrians and bicycles has been shown to reduce traffic/bicycle/pedestrian conflicts. Furthermore, a portion of the north part of the “mews” will be designated as one way to further reduce vehicle traffic loads and potential conflicts within the space. The north end of the mews road connects to a narrower access road that is being provided for emergency access only. This emergency access will be integrated into east-west bicycle / pedestrian pathway system to enhance the benefit the access provides to the community outside of emergency use. Given the central location of the site within the Town and the proximity of the development to LGMS School, personal services, entertainment, and local pathways, the integration of a mews has been included to support and encourage alternate modes of transportation over the motor vehicle.  


Figure 7

Massing from 6th Avenue & 4th Street

All parking requirements for the development are planned to be on-site and within the development.  On-site parking will be accommodated through surface and garage parking. Parking will be access from the internal road system. All parking will be developed in accordance with Section 2.7.7 of the Land Use Bylaw. The development conforms to the Town’s guidelines for engineering design and construction.

The public realm offsite will see improvements made along 4th Street and 7th Avenue. On the north side of 4th Street, a separated sidewalk will be introduced, and “layby” parking will be added to the street along with traffic calming bulbs to align with the town of Canmore’s integrated transportation plan. Traffic calming bulbs will become home to the existing community waste and recycling bins mid street, and the bulbs at the access to the site and intersection of 4th Street and 7th Avenue will provide an opportunity for landscaping to enrich the streetscape. 

Along 7th Avenue “layby” parking will be introduced adjacent to the site and two additional sets of Waste, Recycle and Organic Bins will be added into a traffic calming bulb at the south end of the Roundhouse. Two pathway connections will be made to the existing sidewalk along 7th Avenue to provide residents and the larger community meaningful bicycle pedestrian connectivity through the development from the west to the Centennial Park pathway, 5th Street and beyond. The pathway connections through the site will be created using pavers or coloured concrete make them both attractive and intuitive for users to find and to minimize shortcutting through the laneways within the site.  

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